Get involved today, and start a chapter at your high school or just your neighborhood! Contact us if you want to start something new! All chapters are encouraged to participate in general programming, spearhead their own initiatives, and assist in our goal of equality and representation in ACE fields through real action. Our chapters and their ambassadors lie at the heart of our success.
Holton-Arms - Bethesda

Ambassador: Sami Goldsteen
Sidwell Friends - DC

Ambassador: Tillie Owen
School Without Walls - DC

Ambassador: Lila Rosenberg
Maret - DC

Ambassador: Airelle Maged
Bullis - Potomac

Ambassador: Pending
Whitman - Bethesda

Ambassador: Pending
BCC - Bethesda

Ambassador: Pending
Georgetown Day - DC

Ambassador: Pending
- Host 2 events per year. They could be speakers or workshops
- Promote the first BG Conference and other BG events
- Post events on social media and forward information to events
- Early access to events, Discovery Days and conferences
- Special opportunities and workshops
- Get involved in the community
Have questions? Contact sami at or kenzie at